Thursday, October 15, 2009

The best of intentions. . . .

Hey Everyone Matt here. . . you know sometimes even the best laid plans don't turn out the way we want. When Karen and I were married 7 years ago, I wanted to give her everything and I still do. Here we are now 7 years down the road, still trying to make ends meet. I still haven't given her a house. I still haven't taken her to Europe. I still make the same stupid mistakes I always have. Heck, I am still in school for gosh sakes! There are times, I fear that I have failed her. I feel like a failure as a provider. I feel like a night with tarnished armor. I guess, I just feel human. . .all to human. In my eyes, Karen has only gotten more beautiful. She amazes me dailey. I married up. She makes wonderful things out of the simple things she obtains through great effort. She is my greatest inspiration, and my truest friend. She holds the very essence of happiness that is our marriage. This all might sound like a bit much to all of you. I am not in trouble, and we didn't have a fight. I am just being honest. I love her, and most of all I am glad she loves me.


Marie Says Yes

live as ben and marie do:
house, shmouse!
plus, people in europe don't speak english.

you do an amazing job!


Well, you are still not finished yet! The best things in life aren't easy, but they are worth it. Always feel like you married up, and remember how much you love her! You are her Knight indeed, that is why she loves you!
We love you guys!


The secret to having everything is believing that you ALREADY do!!! I have to tell Jon every day it's not the money or the things or the vacations that make me happy! It's being with him! He makes me happy!